Fluid Designs Inc.
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  • November14th

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    Fluid NewZ

    Posted in: Articles, Fluid

    Fluid NewZ is our new newsletter covering topics including art tutorials, Industry tutorials and general Industry information. I hope you will subscribe to our mailing list. Be assured you will not get hit with tons of emails. Our newsletter will go out once a month unless special info or promotions are current and need to be introduced. Maximum emails will be no more than 4 a month yet we plan to keep it at once a month. You can subscribe using the sing up form below.

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  • November8th

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    I took on a RUSH job Friday afternoon that was needed by end of the day, Monday, for a new client. I sent three proofs Monday morning around 11AM. The client was extremely happy with the proofs and sent them to his client for their proofing and approval. A couple hours later my client replied, saying “they loved #3”. You have to love it when a client is happy with the design and has NO changes or edits. Wish I had more like this one….

    These are the instructions for the job from my client.
    I had a question regarding possible t-shirts for a school event. I’m on the student association at xxxxx University, t shirts for a spirit week event. They would be red shirts, with white font saying “Stags Unleashed 2011”. Under the logo, we were imagining a fire hydrant with 2 leashes attached to it. At the end of one leash is a little dog, sitting nicely as if they were waiting for their owner. The second leash does not have an animal at the end,, as if the animal broke off, or got “unleashed.” Standing nearby the leash would be a muscular, jacked up stag who broke off of his leash.

    Here are my layout submissions

    The design was separated as a 3 color print. White underbase, Black and a Highlight White. I am excited to see the final shirt.

    Art Created in CorelDRAW, separated in CorelDRAW and sent to client for film output in CorelDRAW. I Love it when my clients use CorelDRAW. Feel the love!

  • October27th

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    If you are a printer or embroider looking for a contract printer to fulfill those larger orders, check out Sunscreen Print. Located in Jacksonville, Florida SSP is your shop for Quality screen printing. David and Melissa are at the top of their game. Their quality is impeccable and their knowledge of the industry is unsurpassed. Oh yeah – they have a beautiful 18 color M&R Press.
    These are my go to printers and should be yours.
    Sunscreen Print

  • October19th

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    Having trouble keeping track of the many changes and approvals from clients. If so check out this great new site ProofPath . ProofPath Organizes and Automates Artwork Proofing and Approvals With Your Customers while keeping track of your artwork approvals so you don’t have to. Easily manage proofs, artwork and the conversation that goes with it.

    What is ProofPath?
    ProofPath is a web-based proofing tool that lets you easily send artwork concepts to your customers for approval. Create proofs and have all parties view and collaborate in real-time, no more back and forth e-mails. Better Than E-mailing Proofs, ProofPath gives you a quick overview of every job you have out for approval.

    Best of all there is Nothing To Install. All you need is a web browser and an internet connection. It’s as simple as visiting a web page.

    I would highly suggest this service to everyone..

  • October18th

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    While listening to the Shannon Burke Show tonight on the Bubba Army Radio, radioio.com, there was mention of needing a t shirt design. Just talk amongst the radio guys. I needed a break from the normal day to day artwork and decided to play around with an idea that came to mind. Here are 3 variations of my idea for a t shirt design for The Shannon Burke Show, @TheShannonBurke.

    I was going for more of an updated biker type look yet not too dark.