Some layout ideas – work in progress
All images in these designs were from photos taken at one of our local Fire Stations – right down the street from my house.
Some layout ideas – work in progress
All images in these designs were from photos taken at one of our local Fire Stations – right down the street from my house.
This one if for the ARMY and is the second design in the set. As with most aretists I will likely continue to add more shading and detail yet overall I am pretty happy with the overall design and layout. Still playing with vector hair techniques so expect a new version later down the road.
This turned out to be a rush job. 2-clr design on whites. The design printed similar to a Duotone and turned out great.
Check out the prints coming off the dryer over at Kaules Screen Works YoutTube page
Nice job Garrett!
Thanks to @MaximusTees for noticing the misspelling. Glad this is a work in progress.
HS-11 Dragonslayers